Whey protein for a 15 year old

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I was just wondering if a 15 year old could already include whey protein in his diet. It would be to help in the muscle building after hitting the gym. Would it have negative side-effects?


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Dr. Ryan Neal  Salapa
is a Medical expert in the Philippines
Good morning!

Personally po, I would advise against it not just for 15 year olds but for all people from taking whey protein for muscle building after hitting the gym. Going back to the basics of protein, after ingestion it will be broken down to amino acids. Too much of it will make your body acidic and this is especially harmful to one's kidneys since it will have to pass through it to be released in the urine.

So if you really want to have good muscle build up, I would suggest to just stick with balanced diet. :)

About the author

Dr. Ryan Neal Salapa

Dr. Salapa is an MHGap trained General practitioner with over 5 years experience treating mental health disorders including anxiety, depression, trauma, psychosis, neurodevelopmental/neurocognitive disorders and many more. He also works as an Occupational Safety and Health Physician and is an expert in this field.
Profession: Psychiatry
Office Address: Makati City
Philippines , Bataan
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